How Do You Get A Real Estate License In Texas – The Steps Explained

Getting a real estate license in Texas is no easy matter, you have to meticulously follow the rules laid down by the Texas Real Estate Commission (TREC). It is the controlling body for the real estate sector in Texas and decides the various aspects of awarding a real estate license to aspiring professionals. The most important guidelines for a license include going through the Texas real estate license course and passing the licensing exam. 

Read more to learn about the Texas real estate license course. 

Before we go into the nitty-gritty of getting a real estate license in Texas, let us understand why you should obtain one.

The real estate industry is a high-paying career option and earning six figures is not a rare phenomenon. The income is commission-based and each buyer’s and seller’s agent earn around 3% of the sale price of a house. Considering the median value of a house in Texas is around $500k, the commission from one deal alone comes to a whopping $15k. Not bad for a day in office. 

Apart from the financial aspect, as a real estate agent in Texas, you are your own boss and get to fix your work schedules. Thus, you are not tied down to a 9-6 job and can spend more quality time with friends and family. However, you should also be prepared to work sometimes over the weekends and holidays if clients request showings in this period. 

Now that you know the benefits of a career in Real estate in Texas, let us check what it takes to get a license in the Lone Star State.

Meet basic requirements

To start with, you must be at least 18 years old and a citizen of the US to apply for a real estate license. For legally-admitted aliens, they must have working rights in the country. A high school pass or equivalent is required. 

Complete the Texas real estate license course

This is a mandatory requirement as laid down by TREC to get a real estate license in Texas. The course duration is 180 hours and is divided into six modules of 30 hours each. The subjects in the Texas real estate license course are as follows. 

  • Principles of Real Estate I 
  • Principles of Real Estate II
  • Law of Agency
  • Law of Contracts
  • Promulgated Contracts
  • Real Estate Finance

Choosing a top-quality course provider is very important too. You must select one that is approved by the TREC if you want your studies to be counted towards fulfilling the eligibility norm to appear for the licensing exam. Visit the portal to check the complete list of TREC-approved course providers in Texas. 

The purpose of going through the Texas real estate license course is manifold. You gain knowledge about the real estate sector and its many and often complex rules and regulations. Hence, when you get your license, you can provide the best and legally valid services to your clients in the future. 

An option that you can exercise while choosing a Texas real estate license course is which learning technique suits you more. There are online courses and classroom-based studies. Now, which should you choose to maximize your study time? It is an online course by a long shot. 

In traditional schools, you will be tied down to fixed study periods and have to waste time commuting every day. On the other hand, there is more flexibility and convenience in online courses. You can download the course materials and study them at your own pace. All that you need is an Internet-enabled desktop, laptop, tablet, or mobile to study from anywhere and at any time. Your normal life schedule is not affected.

If you are looking for a TREC-approved online Texas real estate course, check out the study materials from RealEstateU. Their courses are designed by leading real estate professionals in the field and hence are high-quality ones, perfect to help you pass the licensing exam on the first try. 

RealEstateU also offers test prep and study guides as part of their Texas real estate license course. These have sample questions that replicate the ones in the licensing exam and hence you come to know the format and structure of the test.

Fingerprint verification

Get your background checked for any criminal records by submitting your fingerprints electronically to the Texas Department of Public Safety. Since real estate agents are expected to maintain high moral standards and ethics, a negative fingerprint report can disqualify you from applying for a real estate license in Texas. 

Fix a licensing exam date

Schedule a date for the licensing exam online on the portal of TREC. Even though the exam is online, you must visit a designated center for the test. The fee for appearing for the licensing exam is $43.

Pass the licensing exam

Appear for the exam and pass it. There are two sections, the national and the state-specific parts. While the first is generic to the country, the second focuses on the real estate rules and regulations in Texas only. Score a minimum of 75% to crack the licensing test.  

Apply for a real estate license in Texas

After passing the licensing test, apply online on the TREC website for a real estate license. Attach the fingerprint clearance certificate and proof of having completed the 180-hour Texas real estate license course. The application fee is $185 for a license valid for two years. 

Sponsoring broker

Find a brokerage firm that will take you under its wing and mentor you during the initial stages of your career. You will also be offered referrals to kickstart your career. Inform TREC about your new employment status. 

You will now be awarded an active Texas real estate license.     


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